
If you delete a folder from the Content browser that is in the Starter content, The folder will reappear if you reopen the project. The only way to delete them would be from Windows Explorer.

I also changed this line in the DefaultGame.ini from true to false:

Steps to Reproduce

1) Open a new First Person template project with starter content
2) When the project opens, locate the content browser.
3) Delete the Meshes folder from the Content Browser
4) Right click on the FirstPersonBP folder and select the Fix Up Redirectors in Folder option
5) Save the project and then exit
6) Reopen the project
7) You will see the Meshes folder appear in the content browser.

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Fix Commit3208937
CreatedMar 13, 2015
ResolvedNov 23, 2016
UpdatedApr 27, 2018
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