UDN licensee Prophecy Games has encountered an issue in which the RaytracingGeometry::Tick() function is called twice during a single frame. This causes an assert to trigger, which blocks them from ...
In ChaosVehicleMovementComponent::CalcThrottleBrakeInput, autobrake is set when a vehicle is stopped - this means that when the car is virtually stationary, the BrakeOut inout parameter is always 1. ...
When using OIT, AlphaComposite Materials blend as if they are using the Translucent BlendMode. The order of macro #if … #elif cases cause AlphaComposite Materials to take the same route as Transluce ...
This user made a github pull request: [Link Removed] but it was auto rejected. I think that we can consider taking their fixes, but keeping it disabled by default. ...
Hello, When reimporting an FBX using interchange, the material are reapplied and we are stuck with the old properties. We are calling interchange by code, but we were able to repro by doing a reimp ...
When changing the version in UGameUserSettings, the expected behaviour is that GameUserSettings.ini will be wiped/delete and then regenerated. The actual behaviour is that within the ValidateSetting ...
Source UDN [Link Removed] & [Link Removed] & [Link Removed] We need to produce a docker image that contains latest bundled installers for 5.5.2 (or 5.5.3?). ...
Source [Link Removed] As a developer, I would like to have my scheduled syncs in UGS be honoured during computer sleep so that I can have my computer in sleep for the most part, and have it wake wh ...