
This is because FFbxExporter::ExportStaticMeshToFbx() does not correctly determine the OverrideMaterials.

 Therefore, the following code will not pass.

	Material = StaticMesh->GetMaterial(Polygons.MaterialIndex);


You can also override it, even temporarily, to avoid the problem.


Steps to Reproduce

1. Place the Sphere in the level.
2. Press "Reset to Default" to assign the DefaultMaterial. (2021-08-05_03h21_21.png)
3. Press "Export Selected" to export the FBX. (2021-08-05_03h13_36.png 2021-08-05_03h13_00.png)
4. If you check in MAYA, you will see that the material names are different. (2021-08-05_03h14_10.png)

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CreatedAug 4, 2021
ResolvedAug 5, 2021
UpdatedSep 14, 2023
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