Developer Notes

Not a bug...user needs to have their widget set in a scale box and have the scale box anchored be the full screen anchor


When testing UMG on an iOS device, the UMG is not rendering correctly ot the device. The UMG components seem to over lap each other.

Photos of the expected outcome vs the outcome seen have been attached.

Tested on an iPhone 4 (7.1) and on an iPhone 5 (8.1)

Steps to Reproduce

1) Create a new project
2) Once the project is open, Right click in the content browser
3) Create a new Blueprint Widget from the User Interface section
4) Name the Blueprint anything and double click to open it
5) Set up the UMG as shown in the attached photo labeled 'UMGInEditor' (Image has been attached as well)
6) Once complete, Save the widget and exit the window
7) Open the Level Blueprint from the Blueprints dropdown on the toolbar
8) Set up the level Blueprint as it is show in the attached photo
9) Be sure to save all.
10) Package and deploy to an iOS (I used a iPhone 4 as it was the device that the user used.)

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By Design
ComponentUE - Editor - UI Systems
Affects Versions4.5.1
Target Fix4.5.1
Fix Commit2336687
CreatedMar 18, 2015
ResolvedApr 2, 2015
UpdatedSep 16, 2019
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