Duplicated by UE-17450
In an Anim BP, splitting the transform structs of a Transform (Modify) Bone node causes the node to be come non functional.
Transform components must be combined in order for the node to work.
EXPECTED: They should work if split.
See attached image.
1.) Within an Anim BP, of a skeletal mesh, create a variable to be used to modify the rotation of a bone.
2.) Create a graph using Transform (Modify) Bone, and set it up as according to documentation. (See attached image)
3.) Split the Rotation transform struct and wire the variable to one of the rotation pins.
4.) Test in preview mode and adjust the variable value.
RESULT: No change occurs in the bone rotation.
EXPECTED: The bone's rotation should update accordingly
NOTES: Combining the Rotation pins and then making a rotator from the variable works as expected.
(See attached image)
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1 |
Component | OLD - Anim |
Affects Versions | 4.7.3 |
Target Fix | 4.12 |
Created | Mar 23, 2015 |
Resolved | Apr 20, 2016 |
Updated | May 18, 2020 |