
Calling SetActorLabel causes an actor's components to return to default states when called from a client accessing a listen server outside of main editor process.

Note: User posted code linked to spawn actor on linked URL. Code is located below:


{ Spawned = nullptr; }

void ASpawner::BeginPlay()
Spawned = GetWorld()->SpawnActor<AActor>(SpawnedClass);
for (UActorComponent* MeshActorComponent : Spawned->GetComponentsByClass(UStaticMeshComponent::StaticClass()))

{ UStaticMeshComponent *Mesh = Cast<UStaticMeshComponent>(MeshActorComponent); check(Mesh); Mesh->SetMaterial(0, MaterialToSet); }

Spawned->SetActorLabel(TEXT("Spawned Actor with Label"));

void ASpawner::PrintMeshMaterials()
for (UActorComponent* MeshActorComponent : Spawned->GetComponentsByClass(UStaticMeshComponent::StaticClass()))

{ UStaticMeshComponent *Mesh = Cast<UStaticMeshComponent>(MeshActorComponent); check(Mesh); UMaterialInterface* Material = Mesh->GetMaterial(0); GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 1000.0f, Material == MaterialToSet ? FColor::Green : FColor::Red, Material->GetName()); }


Steps to Reproduce

1. Download and unzip attached zip file
2. Open Project in .zip file
3. Go to Play dropdown menu>Advanced settings.
4. Set Number of Players to 2
5. Uncheck Use Single Process
6. Set Editor Multiplayer Mode to Play as Listen Server
7. Press Play

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Cannot Reproduce
Affects Versions4.7.3
CreatedMar 30, 2015
ResolvedAug 3, 2016
UpdatedJul 14, 2021
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