
This is a regression.
When attempting to get linear velocity from a static mesh it incorrectly returns 0 for x, y, and z. In previous releases it returns the correct values.

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Create a new Third Person Project
  2. In the Content Browser create a new Blueprint actor
  3. Add a Box Collision component
  4. From the Box collision component add the 'On Component Begin Overlap' event
  5. Drag off the 'Other Actor' output pin then add a 'Cast to ThirdPersonCharacter' node
  6. Drag off the 'As Third Person Character' output pin then get a 'Get Mesh' node
  7. Drag off the 'Mesh' output pin then create a 'Get Physics Linear Velocity' node
  8. Connect the 'Cast To' node's execution pin to the 'Get Physics' node
  9. Drag off the 'Get Physics' execution pin then create a 'Print String' node
  10. Connect the 'Return Value' output pin from the 'Get Physics' node to the 'In String' input pin of the 'Print String' node.
  11. Place the actor in the world
  12. Play in editor then run into the Actor

Expected Results:
Linear physics node should return values other than 0.

Actual Results:
x, y, and z are all 0

Have Comments or More Details?

There's no existing public thread on this issue, so head over to Questions & Answers just mention UE-136720 in the post.

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CreatedDec 6, 2021
ResolvedDec 8, 2021
UpdatedDec 8, 2021
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