
'Set Playback Position' node fires Timeline event even if 'Fire Events' is set to false.

User Description:

Basically using the set playback position node to set a new time position for a timeline causes that timeline to fire an update regardless of whether or not FireEvents is checked.

Steps to Reproduce

1. Open QA-Game
2. Create a new actor class bp & open it
3. Create a timeline & open it
4. Add a new Float track
5. Set the Length to 1 > Set two points at 0,0 & 1,1 (screenshot #01)
6. Create the bp in screenshot #02
7. Compile & save
8. Back in the editor > place the bp into the level
9. In the Details panel > Input > Auto Receive Input > Set it to 'Player0'
10. PIE
11. After the timeline stops, press 'R'

Results: The timeline will be set to a new time of 0.5 but the Print String will fire once

Expected: For the timeline to be set but if 'Fire Event' is set to false, no events are triggered

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ComponentUE - Gameplay
Affects Versions4.7.64.9
Target Fix4.8
Fix Commit2536467
Release Commit2539177
CreatedApr 30, 2015
ResolvedMay 13, 2015
UpdatedApr 27, 2018
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