
AdditionalServerGameOptions are only applied in UEditorEngine::LaunchNewProcess if the instance is a listen server, with these options being ignored for dedicated servers. Additionally, AdditionalServerLaunchParameters only seem to be applied to dedicated server instances, and not listen servers.
If this is intentional, the name(s) may need to be changed to specify these options are specifically for listen/dedicated servers.

Steps to Reproduce

With some options set in the AdditionalServerGameOptions field, launch a dedicated server instance from the editor either with the "Standalone Game" play mode or with "Run Under One Process" deselected. 
Expected: these options would be applied to the server URL
Actual: these options are not applied

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ComponentUE - Gameplay
Affects Versions5.1
Target Fix5.3
Fix Commit24431823
Main Commit24431823
CreatedOct 7, 2022
ResolvedFeb 27, 2023
UpdatedApr 29, 2023
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