Developer Notes

This issue has been closed as 'Won't Fix' due to an extended period of time without updates. If this issue is important to you please let us know by posting on the AnswerHub or UDN, and Epic will re-open the ticket for further review.


When adding a widget (in this case a button) to the screen the right side and bottom of the screen begin to flicker and grow extremely bright. To make sure and reproduce the issue you will need to stare at the sun in the level.

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Open the Third person sample project
  2. Create a new widget blueprint
  3. Open the new widget blueprint
  4. Add a button to the designer graph
  5. Save and compile
  6. Open the level blueprint
  7. Add the New Widget Blueprint to the screen
    Begin play > Create widget > Add to viewport
  8. Click VR preview
  9. Look up and towards the sun in the level
  10. Notice that the screen begins to flicker and grow very bright

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Won't Fix
ComponentUE - Editor - UI Systems
Affects Versions4.8
CreatedJun 8, 2015
ResolvedJan 26, 2017
UpdatedSep 16, 2019
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