
I've tried implementing BP logic off an EI Event using Any Key, never executes.

Tried having the associated Input Action have Consume Input set to true- still nothing.

I'm not sure what the expected behavior here should be- it may have gotten disabled previously to prevent issues? Seems like if it was fully operational it could cause issues with all other inputs.

Perhaps remove it as an option from the key Value selection list and instead create a unique event/function or an asynchronous function call that waits for input and reports the key pressed?

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Have a project with Enhanced Input enabled.
  2. Create an Input Action called "IA_AnyKey".
  3. Create an Input Context called "IC_AnyKey".
  4. In IC_AnyKey, add a mapping for action IA_AnyKey. Add 1 item, keyboard key "Any Key".
  5. In the Player Controller blueprint, apply the context normally. e.g. Begin Play > # Enhanced Input Local Player Subsystem > Add Mapping Context.
  6. Listen for the event EnhancedInputAction IA_AnyKey and link up a simple Print String.
  7. Compile and test.

Actual Result: Pressing any keyboard key does nothing.
Expected Result: Pressing any keyboard key prints the string.

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ComponentUE - Gameplay - Input
Affects Versions5.1
Target Fix5.3
Fix Commit25586961
Main Commit25602489
CreatedOct 19, 2022
ResolvedMay 24, 2023
UpdatedAug 21, 2023
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