
 Repro Rate 3/3

Note: Step 3 in the steps to reproduce can take 2+ hours.
When trying to do a quicklaunch for Windows platform in step 11 of
I got the following in the Output log: 
LogPlayLevel: UAT: Initializing script modules...
LogPlayLevel: UAT: Unhandled exception: One or more errors occurred. (Script module "E:\Github\UE\LocalBuilds\Engine\Windows\Engine\Platforms\Hololens\Binaries\DotNET\AutomationTool\AutomationScripts\Platforms\HoloLens\HoloLens.Automation.dll" not found for record "E:\Github\UE\LocalBuilds\Engine\Windows\Engine\Intermediate\ScriptModules\HoloLens.Automation.json")
LogPlayLevel: UAT: AutomationTool executed for 0h 0m 0s

Issue did not occur in 5.0.3 Release (github)

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Have a clean github build locally setup.  (run setup.bat & generateprojectfiles.bat)
  2.  Enter the following terminal command:
    for Windows: [Workspace root]>Engine\Build\BatchFiles\RunUAT.bat BuildGraph -script=Engine\Build\InstalledEngineBuild.xml -target="Make Installed Build Win64" -nosign -set:WithDDC=true -set:HostPlatformOnly=true -ListOnly
  3. Enter the following command:
    for Windows: [Workspace root]>Engine\Build\BatchFiles\RunUAT.bat BuildGraph -script=Engine\Build\InstalledEngineBuild.xml -target="Make Installed Build Win64" -nosign -set:WithDDC=true -set:HostPlatformOnly=true -clean
  4. Start Unreal Engine on Host platform using [Workspace root]\LocalBuilds\Engine[Platform]\Engine\Binaries[Your Platform]\UnrealEditor executable with -ABSLOG=[Full path to LocalBuilds folder]/editor.log argument.
  5. Create C++ Template project (e.g. First person).
  6. Select 'Platforms' from the toolbar and make a Quick Launch on [Your Platform].


LogPlayLevel: UAT: Unhandled exception: One or more errors occurred. (Script module "E:\Github\UE\LocalBuilds\Engine\Windows\Engine\Platforms\Hololens\Binaries\DotNET\AutomationTool\AutomationScripts\Platforms\HoloLens\HoloLens.Automation.dll" not found for record "E:\Github\UE\LocalBuilds\Engine\Windows\Engine\Intermediate\ScriptModules\HoloLens.Automation.json")

Expected:  Project launches on the Host platform in a separate window.

Have Comments or More Details?

There's no existing public thread on this issue, so head over to Questions & Answers just mention UE-169931 in the post.

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Fix Commit23298261
Main Commit23300641
Release Commit23298261
CreatedNov 11, 2022
ResolvedNov 28, 2022
UpdatedFeb 4, 2023
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