
Regression: The UI for the Parameters window in a Niagara System is different from UE5/Release-5.0 to UE5/Release-5.1, so the issue cannot be replicated in Release-5.0

This issue occurs when going from Active Overview to clicking in to the Scratch Module. If you click Active Module after expanding a category and then click in the Scratch Module, it remembers what category was expanded as expected.

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Create a new Blank Project
  2. Create a new Niagara System of any template
  3. In the System Overview, create a new Scratch Module
  4. In Parameters, switch to Active Overview
  5. Expand one of the categories (Emitter Attributes, Particle Attributes, etc.)
  6. Click anywhere back in the Scratch Module
  7. Observe that the Parameters window is back on Active Module
  8. Click Active Overview in the Parameters window

Actual Result: Expanded category has returned to its original state

Expected Result: Expanded category should remain expanded when clicking back in to Active Overview

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ComponentUE - Niagara
Affects Versions5.1
Target Fix5.5
CreatedNov 29, 2022
UpdatedFeb 13, 2024
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