
Just trying a few simple animations in 5.1, I have a few short looping cycle animation that go in different directions. I see very bad results and it looks like it's because of how MM is assuming the root bone loops. In the image below you can see that near the end of the animation there is a displacement to the right and backwards.

In the screenshot I would expect the animation to loop right where it started (where the billboard is) and not to have any displacement. Note that this is a Forward running cycle along the X axis.

The MM results are very much in line with these displacements and it's quite chaotic. Results are better if I remove the Looping flag in the anim sequences but they should indeed loop.

Steps to Reproduce

follow instructions from :[Link Removed]

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ComponentUE - Anim - Gameplay
Affects Versions5.1
Target Fix5.3
Fix Commit24737124
Main Commit24737124
CreatedJan 31, 2023
ResolvedMar 21, 2023
UpdatedJan 8, 2024
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