
This is a regression. Tested in //UE5/Release-5.0 CL20979098

Behavior Tree appears to tick nodes to the right of an aborted node that is set to abort Both. Those nodes are not executed, but visually appear to receive tick. In 5.0.3 the same behavior doesn't occur.

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Create or open any project
  2. Create a new Behavior Tree named BT_Test
    1. Select New Decorator in the top left of the window
      1. Hover over the Functions section of My Blueprint then select Override
      2. Choose Perform Condition Check AI
      3. Set Return Value of the Return Node to True
      4. In the Details Panel set Observer Aborts to Both
      5. Compile, save, and close the Decorator
    2. Return to BT_Test
    3. Off the Root create a Selector Node
    4. Off the Selector node create a Wait node and set Wait Time to 1.0s
    5. Right click the Wait node then add the previously created Decorator
    6. From the Selector drag to the right of the nodes then create a Wait node
    7. Save the Behavior Tree
  3. Create a Blueprint AI Controller named AI_Test
    1. Right click in the Content Browser then select Blueprint Class
    2. Expand All Classes search for then select AIController
    3. In the Event Graph create an Event On Possess node
    4. Off the node create a Run Behavior Tree, and set the BTAsset to BT_Test
    5. Compile, save, and close the blueprint
  4. Create a new Blueprint Pawn name BP_Pawn
    1. Ensure Auto Possess AI is set to Placed in World
    2. Set AI Controller to the AI_Test
    3. Compile, save, and close the blueprint
  5. Place the Pawn in the level
  6. Play in Editor
  7. Observe BT_Test

Expected Results:
When the first Wait completes the Behavior Tree should return to the Root then back down to the first Wait.

Actual Results:
When the first Wait completes the Wait node to the right receives a quick tick before the tree returns to the Root

Have Comments or More Details?

There's no existing public thread on this issue, so head over to Questions & Answers just mention UE-176192 in the post.

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ComponentUE - AI - BehaviorTree
Affects Versions5.1
Target Fix5.3
Fix Commit22798553
Main Commit22798553
CreatedFeb 6, 2023
ResolvedFeb 7, 2023
UpdatedMay 30, 2023
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