
from licensee:
"Expected behavior:

The LOD selected to be edited should be saved correctly, allowing different remesh results to be saved as different LODs of the same mesh, _i.e. remesh with 1 cm triangle size as LOD0, 2 cm triangle size as LOD1, 3 cm triangle size for LOD2, etc._

Use case:

This is necessary for making uniform-topolgy proxies that maintain their uniformity throughout a LOD chain; Auto-generated LODs created by automatic reduction do NOT retain uniform topology and are therefore unacceptable for this purpose. Uniform-topology proxies are used for overlay effects relying on WPO whereby a normal mesh's vertices would deform unevenly or break apart."

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Make any mesh and add at least 1 LOD to the asset.
  2. put mesh in an open level, select it, and open the modeling tools panel to edit the geo.
  3. set the 'Editing LOD' setting to any LOD >0
  4. Use 'remesh' to regenerate the geometry.
  5. Note that the geometry disappears.
  6. If you 'accept' and open the mesh asset, the LOD you edited will be empty/invisible, despite having the expected vertex and triangle count.

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Fix Commit25130610
Main Commit25132341
CreatedApr 13, 2023
ResolvedApr 20, 2023
UpdatedMay 3, 2023
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