
When blueprints associated with the actorcomponent are open and changes are made to the actorcomponent, once it's compiled there are compiler errors on the indirect blueprints.

Steps to Reproduce

1. Open a new blank template
2. Create a new blueprint based component
3. Add a single function called 'MyFunction' and compile
4. Create a new actor
5. Add the component to this blueprint under 'add component'
6. Call the function from the component, attaching it to event beginplay and compile
7. Create another new actor
8. Give a variable to the new actor that holds a reference to the first blueprint
9. Add: Event BeginPlay > My Function > My Component > Reference to first actor, and then compile
10. Keep all three open and simply add a default boolean variable into the Component
11. Recompile the component
12. Look at the other 2 blueprints for errors

Result: The component compiles without any error while the blueprints receive compiling errors from being open while this change was made.
Expected: The component recompiles without any errors, while the other blueprints stay the same.

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Cannot Reproduce
ComponentUE - Gameplay - Components
Affects Versions4.8.14.9
Target Fix4.11.2
Fix Commit2951623
Main Commit2954576
CreatedJul 10, 2015
ResolvedApr 21, 2016
UpdatedApr 27, 2018
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