
When importing a CSV into a data table using AssetToolsModule with a file containing an FText, the resulting FText value is invalid. As a note, there are no issues when importing an FGuid, a FString or a FVector.

Steps to Reproduce

Here is an example of the CSV to import as a DataTable:


,NameCheckpoint1,"NSLOCTEXT(""[2D45083E4A0E4844F79D62AE42EA7A0C]"",""DF8074A54B023F413FD1B4A9C658C347"",""First place"")" 


Code to run to import the data:

  FAssetToolsModule& AssetToolsModule = FModuleManager::GetModuleChecked<FAssetToolsModule>("AssetTools");
  UCSVImportFactory* Factory = NewObject<UCSVImportFactory>(this);
  Factory->AutomatedImportSettings.ImportRowStruct = FCheckpointDataTable::StaticStruct();
  Factory->AutomatedImportSettings.ImportType = ECSVImportType::ECSV_DataTable;  UAutomatedAssetImportData* ImportData = NewObject<UAutomatedAssetImportData>(this);
  ImportData->bReplaceExisting = true;
  ImportData->Filenames = UsableFiles;
  ImportData->DestinationPath = DataPath;
  ImportData->Factory = Factory;
  ImportedAssets = AssetToolsModule.Get().ImportAssetsAutomated(ImportData); 

The FCheckpointDataTable:


  struct FCheckpointDataTable : public FTableRowBase
    GENERATED_BODY()  public:
    FCheckpointDataTable() = default;    UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite)
    FText Name;



After running via ImportAssetsAutomated, observe an incorrect result (may vary):


  (Name=NSLOCTEXT("[F9775C984D14798165E61DB816DBB97C]", "4AC41E3945B7FB01A1BAA280AC91453B", "First place")) 


Versus when reimported manually in the editor, the expected result:

  (Name=NSLOCTEXT("[2D45083E4A0E4844F79D62AE42EA7A0C]", "DF8074A54B023F413FD1B4A9C658C347", "First place")) 

Have Comments or More Details?

There's no existing public thread on this issue, so head over to Questions & Answers just mention UE-186362 in the post.

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Won't Fix
ComponentUE - Editor - Content Pipeline
Affects Versions5.1
CreatedMay 18, 2023
ResolvedJun 28, 2023
UpdatedJun 28, 2023
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