
Adding a BP structure as a local variable to a function in a UMG widget
graph will display the correct default values in the editor, but zero out
to per-element defaults at run time.


Other users are experiencing this with local variables in standard blueprints and not just UMG. I will comment with updated repro steps.

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Create BP Struct. Name it TestStruct
  2. Open the struct and change MemberVar_0's tpye to string and put "Test" as default value, save.
  3. Create a Blueprint class based on Actor and open it
  4. Create a new function and add a new TestStruct local variable
  5. From the functions exec add a print string node
  6. Drag a get node for the Struct variable and create a break node
  7. Connect the string variable from the struct to the print string
  8. In the event graph add a BeginPlay node and connect a call to the function created
  9. Compile and reopen TestStruct
  10. Change the default value of the string from "Test" to "NewTest"
  11. Save and PIE.

Result: "Test" prints Expected: "NewTest"

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Cannot Reproduce
ComponentUE - Gameplay - Blueprint
Affects Versions4.
Target Fix4.17
CreatedJul 31, 2015
ResolvedJun 14, 2017
UpdatedJun 11, 2019
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