Steps to Reproduce
  1. Create a new widget blueprint
  2. Add a text block to the designer and select it
  3. Expand Appearance > Font in its details panel


There is no button for adding a key next to the Font Material Parameter. In 5.2 there is. 


Additional Repros:

  1. Create a new level sequence
  2. Add a static mesh cube to the level sequence
  3. Add the static mesh component from the cube to the level sequence
  4. +Track and look for Body Instance->Physics->Simulate Physics

EXPECTED: Simulate Physics is available to keyframe.

Have Comments or More Details?

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ComponentUE - Anim - Sequencer
Affects Versions5.3
Target Fix5.4
Fix Commit27916475
Main Commit27916480
CreatedSep 14, 2023
ResolvedSep 15, 2023
UpdatedOct 18, 2023
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