
We've encountered a crash when trying to delete a folder after renaming one of its' children. I have attached a video and the callstack to this ticket. This might be related to [Link Removed] as the speed of the deletion/rename operation might be key to reproducing this.

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Launch Editor
  2. On the default map, add a sub-folder to either of the folders. Give it a unique name.
  3. Add a sub-folder to the sub-folder you just added. Give it a unique name.
  4. Do this again but add it to the last sub-folder. Again, give it a unique name.
  5. Rename the last sub-folder, from step 4.
  6. Delete the sub-folder from step 3.
  7. Observe.

Have Comments or More Details?

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ComponentUE - Editor - Workflow Systems
Affects Versions5.3
CreatedOct 11, 2023
UpdatedJan 19, 2024
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