
It appears that networking insights data is not being gathered when a delay capture is started with the "trace.send" or "trace.start" command. If we were starting from the application startup time we could get the Networking isnsights capture data.

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Download the third person example
  2. Set editor settings "Number of players = 2" and "Net Mode = Play as Listen Server", "Additional Launch Parameters = -trace=default,net -NetTrace=1"
  3. Play in standalone
  4. Confiming to start captureing insights profile, execute "trace.stop" command
  5. Confiming to stop capture, execute "trace.send localhost default,net" command


It starts profiling Insights, but when opening that file, the Networking Insights tab does not appear


It starts profiling Insights, but when opening that file, we'll also see a tab for Networking Insights

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ComponentUE - Foundation - Insights
Affects Versions5.3
Target Fix5.5
CreatedOct 18, 2023
UpdatedFeb 19, 2024
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