
Failure occurs at compile time during GC when the replacement component that we create is being destroyed. This component includes the BillboardComponent instance that's attached to the scene component at registration time when bVisualizeComponent is TRUE (default); however, the attachment reference is propagating to the replacement instance which means its parent no longer matches in the DestroyComponent() logic, which triggers the validation.

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Compile C++ source and open the attached project in UE 5.x. editor.
  2. Open the 'BP_TestActor' asset.
  3. Select the TestComponent.
  4. Change the Component Class to something else. The easiest test is to just set it to SceneComponent, but it can be anything.
  5. Compile the blueprint and it will crash.


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ComponentUE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor
Affects Versions5.1
Target Fix5.5
CreatedOct 20, 2023
UpdatedFeb 12, 2024
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