
Slack thread [Link Removed]

Steps to Reproduce

Here were his repro steps: # open stone garden load in 5.3.1-vp-1

  1. load correct SLs for night lighting (night sky loaded, morning sky unloaded, lit lamps loaded, unlit lamps unloaded)
  2. take level snapshot
  3. load correct SLs for morning lighting (night sky unloaded, morning sky loaded, lit lamps unloaded, unlit lamps loaded)
  4. attempt to restore the level snapshot I just took. per the screenshot below, it's trying to restore all the unlit lamps and all the morning lighting as hidden in game, but it was not hidden in game when I took the snapshot (it was just in SLs that were unloaded)


  1. For Epic internal, Load QAVP project
  2. Create new basic level, Cube and Lights
  3. Create 2 new Levels with Cubes only
  4. Add the 2 Levels to the Persisting Level
  5. Enable the cvar Editor.ReflectEditorLevelVisibilityWithGame 1
  6. Take a Level Snapshot with all level visible
  7. Set one of the Level to Invisible
  8. Refresh the snapshot


  1. The actors from the hidden level will be listed as Hidden in Game in the Level Snapshot modified actors. Video of the repro in attachement.

Have Comments or More Details?

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CreatedNov 2, 2023
UpdatedMay 1, 2024
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