
Attaching other actors to a child actor (actor spawned by ChildActorComponent) fails to serialize correctly as part of the map. The attached actor loads as detached and resets its position back to world origin.

Steps to Reproduce

Repro steps in new project:

  • Create a blueprint BP_Child with a visual (Cube)
  • Create a blueprint BP_Parent with a ChildActorComponent and a visual (Cone)
    • Set the ChildActorComponent's actor class to BP_Child
  • Create a blueprint BP_ChildAttachment with a visual (Sphere)
  • Place a BP_Parent onto the map
  • Place a BP_ChildAttachment onto the map, then in the World Outliner attach it to BP_Child, the spawned child actor by BP_Parent.

The hierarchy in the outliner should now be:

  • BP_Parent
    • BP_Child (spawned by child actor component)
      • BP_ChildAttachment (attached in map)

Save and reload the map. Observe:

  • BP_ChildAttachment is no longer attached to BP_Child
  • In UE 5.3.1 BP_ChildAttachment is now located at world origin (0,0,0) while it wasn't before.

Expected: After reloading the map, BP_ChildAttachment is still attached to BP_Child and it retained it's saved location.

Have Comments or More Details?

There's no existing public thread on this issue, so head over to Questions & Answers just mention UE-199646 in the post.

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ComponentUE - Gameplay - Components
Affects Versions5.3.1
Target Fix5.5
CreatedNov 3, 2023
UpdatedFeb 12, 2024
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