
UWorld::ComponentOverlapMultiByChannel and internally, the call to FBodyInstance::OverlapMulti, misses overlaps and blocking hits when the PrimComp's (the component used to test overlaps) mesh uses simple collision, the target component uses complex collision and the PrimComp is overlapping the target component due to (and only due to) being rotated.

Verified that this used to work in 5.2, but broke as of 5.3.x.

Steps to Reproduce

See attached repro project (internal) which targets UE 5.2.1 and debug prints to screen.

The overlap is detected in 5.2.1 but missed in UE 5.3.x (tested 5.3.1 and 5.3.2).

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ComponentUE - Simulation - Physics - Query
Affects Versions5.
Target Fix5.4
Fix Commit29987160
Main Commit29987160
CreatedNov 8, 2023
ResolvedNov 29, 2023
UpdatedJan 8, 2024
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