
Texture sample DIs no longer work when used with Niagara Parameter Collections. This seems to affect Volume Texture DIs based on customer reports, but I have not confirmed this. 

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Create a new Niagara System with an Empty emitter
  2. In the Emitter Update script add a Spawn Particles in Grid Module
  3. Fix up the issues on the Spawn in Grid module to add the Grid Location module to Particles Spawn
  4. Set the Spawn Particles in Grid counts to X: 100, Y: 100, Z: 1
  5. Add a new Particle Parameter of type Vector 2D called UV
  6. Set Particles.UV after the Grid Location module with a Make Vector2D Dynamic input with X and Y being set with a Float from Vector DI, using Output.GridLocation.UVW as the input selecting channel X for X and Y for Y.
  7. Add a Sample Texture Module to Particles Update and set the Emitter's Sim Target to GPUCompute
  8. Set the texture to any texture that
  9. Confirm the particles display a grid representation of the texture
  10. Create a new Niagara Parameter Collection and add a Texture Sample DI parameter to it and set the Texture value to a different texture
  11. Add a Niagara Parameter Collection parameter to the Niagara System for the NPC's Texture sample DI,  and bind it to the texture sample DI for the Sample Texture module


 The particles do not display anything. This does not repro in 5.2 

Have Comments or More Details?

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ComponentUE - Niagara
Affects Versions5.3
Target Fix5.6
CreatedNov 8, 2023
UpdatedFeb 3, 2025
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