
A recent modification to the CB behavior made it so that only the main asset of a package is visible in the CB.

It was unknown, but the merge actor tool "Merge" option has been creating a single package for all its generated assets since forever. The other merge options (simplify, approximate...) are fine. All the assets from that single package are flagged as RF_Public.


We should change the Merge code to create a single package per asset.

Steps to Reproduce
  • Place a few cubes in the scene
  • Select all these cubes
  • In the menu, under Actor -> Merge Actors -> Merge Actors Settings...
  • Use the following settings: 
    • LOD Selection Type: Always use the lowest-detail LOD
    • Enable "Merge Materials"
  • Click Merge Actors


Result: Only a static mesh is visible in the content browser

Expected Result: A static mesh, a material instance and texture(s) assets are visible

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There's no existing public thread on this issue, so head over to Questions & Answers just mention UE-203393 in the post.

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Fix Commit31265634
Main Commit31267432
Release Commit31265688
CreatedJan 8, 2024
ResolvedFeb 7, 2024
UpdatedFeb 14, 2024
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