
This issue occurs when there is a material with Anisotropy, like the attached GIF.
[Image Removed]

Steps to Reproduce

1. Create a material with some values set.
2. Place the mesh on the level and assign the material we created.
[Image Removed]
3. Open Pixel Inspector and look at GbufferB it looks correct.
[Image Removed]
4. Create a material with Anisotropy set.
5. Place another mesh and set the Anisotoropy material
[Image Removed]
6. Open Pixel Inspector and select the cursor on the first material, GbufferB will all have values such as 0.4999.
[Image Removed]

Have Comments or More Details?

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ComponentUE - Graphics Features
Affects Versions5.3
Target Fix5.5
CreatedJan 16, 2024
UpdatedJan 22, 2024