
Very large objects casting dynamic shadows on the sky atmosphere can lead to flickering (cascaded shadow maps) or square patterns (virtual shadow maps).

Steps to Reproduce

1. Download the attached project and open
2. Observe the square pattern on the large cube and sphere in the scene
3. Change the shadow map method from "Virtual Shadow Maps" to "Shadow Maps"
4. Observe the flickering around the large cube and sphere as the camera rotates.

Non-Default Settings:
Directional Light:

  • Cast shadows on Atmosphere = True
  • Dynamic Shadow Distance = 100000000
  • r.SkyAtmosphere.AerialPerspectiveLUT.FastApplyOnOpaque=0

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ComponentUE - Rendering Architecture
Affects Versions5.
Target Fix5.5
CreatedFeb 5, 2024
UpdatedFeb 9, 2024
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