
When switching the Camera's Exposure Metering Mode from Histogram to Manual, there is a single-frame flash.
The Licensee has a proposed code change that would fix this issue.
Also found in 5.4, CL 31620349


Steps to Reproduce

1. Download the Licensee's repro and open
2. Open /Game/LevelSequence_HistogramToManual
3. Lock Viewport to Camera Cuts on the main Camera Cuts track
4. Play the sequence
5. Observe the single-frame flash as the cameras switch from Camera_ExpHistogram to Camera_ExpManual

Have Comments or More Details?

There's no existing public thread on this issue, so head over to Questions & Answers just mention UE-207706 in the post.

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ComponentUE - Rendering Architecture
Affects Versions5.
Target Fix5.5
CreatedFeb 21, 2024
UpdatedFeb 26, 2024
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