Steps to repro, from UDN:
- Create two different SkeletalMeshes and Skeletons that are compatible. (Skeleton A and Skeleton B)
- Create two animations of the same length, one for skeleton A, and one for skeleton B
- Right click on the animation made for Skeleton A and Create AnimMontage.
- Right click on the new skeleton A’s anim montage, and Create Child Montage.
- In the child montage, replace animation A with the animation made for Skeleton B.
- Save and close the child montage
- Right click on the child montage in the asset browser and click Replace Skeleton (pick skeleton B)
- Save child montage again
- Cook the child montage and notice the log warning
- LogInit: Display: LogAnimation: Warning: AM_MontageName_Child ParentAsset AM_MontageName linked to different skeleton. Removing the reference.
Its also possible repro via the following:
- Create two different SkeletalMeshes and Skeletons that are compatible. (Skeleton A and Skeleton B)
- Create a Montage and its child montage from skeleton A.
- Open child montage.
- Attempt to replace anim in child montage with an animation from skeleton B.
- See how nothing happens, even tho this is a compatible skeleotn.