
The deploy device selected in project launcher custom profile does not get saved. After restarting the editor, all selections are cleared, and have to be re-selected in the deploy device every time.

This issue does not happen in 5.3.

This issue happens after CL 27589933, and the direct cause is [Launcher.DeviceGroups] section not saved in [Project]\Saved\Config\WindowsEditor\Engine.ini .

Steps to Reproduce

Steps to Reproduce

  • Start an empty project in UE 5.4
  • Tools -> Project Launcher -> Add a new Custom Launch Profile
  • Set "Cook" section to "By the book"
  • In "Deploy" section, check any device

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  • Click "Back", then Click "Edit" on the same profile again to confirm it is still checked.
  • Restart Editor.
  • Tools -> Project Launcher -> Edit the profile we created.
  • Observe that none of the device is checked.

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ComponentUE - Editor
Target Fix5.6
CreatedJun 13, 2024
UpdatedJun 17, 2024
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