
When the replicated scene component's AttachChildren array is replicated, the package map attempts to serialize the non-replicated component, causing the warning that the object is not supported.

Steps to Reproduce

On the server, spawn a non-replicated component and attach it to a replicated scene component. (For instance, this can be reproduced by spawning a Niagara system with SpawnSystemAttached).

Expected: the component will be attached on the server and ignored by the replication system.

Actual: the following warning is displayed in the logs

LogNetPackageMap: Warning: FNetGUIDCache::SupportsObject: NonRepComponent_C /Memory/UEDPIE_0_4ZRIV6ZSUYLJHWY40A77G8DQ8.ThirdPersonMap:PersistentLevel.TestActor_C_UAID_E04F43E653BEF40902_1917464943.NODE_AddNonRepComponent-0_208 NOT Supported. 

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ComponentUE - Networking
Affects Versions5.5
Target Fix5.6
CreatedJul 18, 2024
UpdatedJul 30, 2024
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