Steps to Reproduce
  • Open the project and the TopDownMap Level.
  • Create a Data Layer Asset, for instance DLA_Test1 in /Game/DataLayers.
  • Add this Data Layer Asset in the Level Data Layer Assets, using the Data Layers Outliner.
  • Reference this Data Layer Asset in any Actor of the Level using the Outliner, for instance on SM_Cylinder4.
  • Run the commandlet in the correct directory where UE is installed, with or without the -WaitForAttach argument, for instance [Link Removed]" "/Game/TopDown/Maps/TopDownMap" -run=WorldPartitionBuilderCommandlet -SCCProvider=None -builder=WorldPartitionRenameDuplicateBuilder -NewPackage=/Game/TopDown/Maps/TopDownMap_Copy
  • Observe the crash.

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CreatedJul 23, 2024
UpdatedAug 21, 2024
View Jira Issue