
Using a 3D Widget with a text block who's font size is set to 1,000 will give a fetal error when packaged.

Note: The package will succeed, however when the project is opened the user will receive a fetal error.

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Open the Editor
  2. Create a new widget blueprint
  3. Add a text block to the designer tab
  4. Set the font size to 1000
  5. Compile and save
  6. Create a new actor blueprint
  7. Add a widget component to the actor blueprint
  8. Set the widget class for the widget blueprint that was just created
  9. Save and compile
  10. Add the actor blueprint to the scene
  11. Package the project for windows 64 bit
  12. Notice that when the project is opened that a fetal error is given

Expected: The project would fail to package or the project would not crash
Result: The project gives a fetal error and then closes

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ComponentUE - Editor - UI Systems
Affects Versions4.9.2
CreatedOct 20, 2015
ResolvedOct 28, 2015
UpdatedJul 14, 2021