
If the user holding down a button and then touches the screen of a mobile device the OnRelease event will fire every another time the button is held.

Important: This only happens every other time that the button is pressed and held down.

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Open the editor
  2. Create a new widget blueprint
  3. Add a button to the designer tab
  4. Create the blueprint in the attached image
  5. Open level blueprint
  6. Add the Widget to the viewport
  7. Save and compile
  8. Launch to iOS device
  9. Press and hold the button
  10. With a different finger (while still holding the button) touch the screen
  11. Notice that the release event fires off

Expected: The release event would not fire until the user has released the button
Result: The release will fire off when touching other parts of the screen every other time that the button is pressed

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Won't Fix
ComponentUE - Editor - UI Systems
Affects Versions4.9.2
CreatedOct 26, 2015
ResolvedDec 14, 2018
UpdatedJul 14, 2021