Steps to Reproduce

There are 2 ways to reproduce the issue

1st way : Launching the game with cooked asset

  1. Build and launch the repro project [Link Removed]
    note : the blueprints in the project contain cyclic dependency
  2. Click Platforms > Windows > Cook Content
  3. Change the build configuration to "Development" (Not Development Editor) in Visual Studio
  4. Build the project
  5. Press F5 to run the project with Cooked assets

2nd way : Launching the packaged game

  1. Build and launch the repro project
  2. Click Platforms > Windows > Package Project
    note : IOStore option in project settings is disabled
  3. Once the package is built, Launch the packaged game

Using CookedRegress.uproject:

  1. In 4.27 compile UE4Editor (compile UE4->Development Editor) and UE4Game (compile UE4->Development)
  2. Run UE4Editor.exe "D:\Path\To\CookedRegress.uproject" -run=cook -TargetPlatform=WindowsNoEditor -unversioned
  3. After cooking run UE4Game.exe "D:\Path\To\CookedRegress.uproject" (or launch UE4 Development in Visual studio)
  1. In 5.5 compile UnrealEditor (compile UE5->Development Editor) and UnrealGame (compile UE5->Development)
  2. Run UnrealEditor.exe "D:\Path\To\CookedRegress.uproject" -run=cook -TargetPlaform=Windows -unversioned
  3. After cooking run UnrealGame.exe "D:\Path\To\CookedRegress.uproject" (or launch UE5 Development in Visual Studio)


Crush the game by stack overflow (see callstack)


MyProject5.exe!__chkstk() Line 109 Unknown
MyProject5.exe!FObjectSearchPath::MatchOuterNames(UObject * Outer) Line 685 C++
MyProject5.exe!StaticFindObjectFastInternalThreadSafe(FUObjectHashTables & ThreadHash, const UClass * ObjectClass, const UObject * ObjectPackage, FName ObjectName, bool bExactClass, bool bAnyPackage, EObjectFlags ExcludeFlags, EInternalObjectFlags ExclusiveInternalFlags) Line 824 C++
MyProject5.exe!StaticFindObjectFastInternal(const UClass * ObjectClass, const UObject * ObjectPackage, FName ObjectName, bool bExactClass, EObjectFlags ExcludeFlags, EInternalObjectFlags ExclusiveInternalFlags) Line 886 C++
MyProject5.exe!FindObjectFast<UPackage>(UObject * Outer, FName Name, bool ExactClass, EObjectFlags ExclusiveFlags) Line 1913 C++
MyProject5.exe!FLinkerLoad::CreateImport(int Index) Line 5691 C++
MyProject5.exe!FLinkerLoad::ResolveAllImports() Line 1904 C++
MyProject5.exe!FLinkerLoad::FinalizeBlueprint(UClass * LoadClass) Line 1998 C++
MyProject5.exe!FLinkerLoad::ForceRegenerateClass(UClass * ImportClass) Line 2444 C++
MyProject5.exe!FLinkerLoad::DeferExportCreation(const int Index, UObject * Outer) Line 1416 C++
MyProject5.exe!FLinkerLoad::CreateExport(int Index) Line 5190 C++
MyProject5.exe!FLinkerLoad::CreateImport(int Index) Line 5799 C++
MyProject5.exe!FLinkerLoad::ResolveAllImports() Line 1904 C++
MyProject5.exe!FLinkerLoad::FinalizeBlueprint(UClass * LoadClass) Line 1998 C++
MyProject5.exe!FLinkerLoad::ForceRegenerateClass(UClass * ImportClass) Line 2444 C++
MyProject5.exe!FLinkerLoad::DeferExportCreation(const int Index, UObject * Outer) Line 1416 C++
MyProject5.exe!FLinkerLoad::CreateExport(int Index) Line 5190 C++
MyProject5.exe!FLinkerLoad::CreateImport(int Index) Line 5799 C++
MyProject5.exe!FLinkerLoad::ResolveAllImports() Line 1904 C++
MyProject5.exe!FLinkerLoad::FinalizeBlueprint(UClass * LoadClass) Line 1998 C++
MyProject5.exe!FLinkerLoad::ForceRegenerateClass(UClass * ImportClass) Line 2444 C++
MyProject5.exe!FLinkerLoad::DeferExportCreation(const int Index, UObject * Outer) Line 1416 C++
MyProject5.exe!FLinkerLoad::CreateExport(int Index) Line 5190 C++
MyProject5.exe!FLinkerLoad::CreateImport(int Index) Line 5799 C++
MyProject5.exe!FLinkerLoad::ResolveAllImports() Line 1904 C++
MyProject5.exe!FLinkerLoad::FinalizeBlueprint(UClass * LoadClass) Line 1998 C++
MyProject5.exe!FLinkerLoad::ForceRegenerateClass(UClass * ImportClass) Line 2444 C++
MyProject5.exe!FLinkerLoad::DeferExportCreation(const int Index, UObject * Outer) Line 1416 C++
MyProject5.exe!FLinkerLoad::CreateExport(int Index) Line 5190 C++
MyProject5.exe!FLinkerLoad::CreateImport(int Index) Line 5799 C++
MyProject5.exe!FLinkerLoad::ResolveAllImports() Line 1904 C++
MyProject5.exe!FLinkerLoad::FinalizeBlueprint(UClass * LoadClass) Line 1998 C++
MyProject5.exe!FLinkerLoad::ForceRegenerateClass(UClass * ImportClass) Line 2444 C++
MyProject5.exe!FLinkerLoad::DeferExportCreation(const int Index, UObject * Outer) Line 1416 C++
MyProject5.exe!FLinkerLoad::CreateExport(int Index) Line 5190 C++
MyProject5.exe!FLinkerLoad::CreateImport(int Index) Line 5799 C++
MyProject5.exe!FLinkerLoad::ResolveAllImports() Line 1904 C++
MyProject5.exe!FLinkerLoad::FinalizeBlueprint(UClass * LoadClass) Line 1998 C++
MyProject5.exe!FLinkerLoad::ForceRegenerateClass(UClass * ImportClass) Line 2444 C++
MyProject5.exe!FLinkerLoad::DeferExportCreation(const int Index, UObject * Outer) Line 1416 C++
MyProject5.exe!FLinkerLoad::CreateExport(int Index) Line 5190 C++
MyProject5.exe!FLinkerLoad::CreateImport(int Index) Line 5799 C++
MyProject5.exe!FLinkerLoad::ResolveAllImports() Line 1904 C++
MyProject5.exe!FLinkerLoad::FinalizeBlueprint(UClass * LoadClass) Line 1998 C++
MyProject5.exe!FLinkerLoad::ForceRegenerateClass(UClass * ImportClass) Line 2444 C++
MyProject5.exe!FLinkerLoad::DeferExportCreation(const int Index, UObject * Outer) Line 1416 C++
MyProject5.exe!FLinkerLoad::CreateExport(int Index) Line 5190 C++
MyProject5.exe!FLinkerLoad::CreateImport(int Index) Line 5799 C++
MyProject5.exe!FLinkerLoad::ResolveAllImports() Line 1904 C++
MyProject5.exe!FLinkerLoad::FinalizeBlueprint(UClass * LoadClass) Line 1998 C++
MyProject5.exe!FLinkerLoad::ForceRegenerateClass(UClass * ImportClass) Line 2444 C++
MyProject5.exe!FLinkerLoad::DeferExportCreation(const int Index, UObject * Outer) Line 1416 C++
MyProject5.exe!FLinkerLoad::CreateExport(int Index) Line 5190 C++
MyProject5.exe!FLinkerLoad::CreateImport(int Index) Line 5799 C++
MyProject5.exe!FLinkerLoad::ResolveAllImports() Line 1904 C++
The maximum number of stack frames supported by Visual Studio has been exceeded.

Have Comments or More Details?

There's no existing public thread on this issue, so head over to Questions & Answers just mention UE-228884 in the post.

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ComponentUE - Framework - Blueprint
Affects Versions5.5
Target Fix5.5.2
Fix Commit38930420
CreatedOct 28, 2024
ResolvedDec 19, 2024
UpdatedFeb 27, 2025
View Jira Issue