
This occurs when the pawn is initially replicated using the huge object path when first connecting to a server. Destroying and restarting the client's pawn works as expected.
After connecting, the client receives the bunch containing the huge object as well as the other initially replicated actors, including the GameState. It first processes the huge object, which spawns the pawn, but it does not read in its initial replicated state yet. The other actors are then processed, including the GameState, causing BeginPlay to be dispatched from AGameStateBase::OnRep_ReplicatedHasBegunPlay. After this, the initial state of the pawn is read in and applied.

Steps to Reproduce

With Iris enabled, create a pawn that has a large amount of initial replicated data.
Start a multiplayer session, and observe its state during its BeginPlay function on the client.

Expected: the actor's replicated state matches the state on the server when it was initially replicated
Actual: the actor's replicated properties are at their default values 

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ComponentUE - Networking - Iris
Affects Versions5.6
Target Fix5.6
CreatedFeb 11, 2025
UpdatedFeb 12, 2025
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