
Licensee is encountering an issue where they would like a segment of a montage to end and hold the last frame for the remainder of the segment length.

He is doing this by adjusting the End Time under segment details. When adjusting the end time to make it shorter than default, it works as expected. However, if you extend it longer than the default time, it will revert to default when you re-launch the editor.

Steps to Reproduce

1. Create a Third Person Template project
2. Make a new montage based off of the Mannequin skeleton
3. Add the Idle animation to the defaultgroup timeline
4. Select the Idle section in the timeline
5. In details, change the End Time to 5
6. Play the montage and see that it plays to the end and sticks on the last frame until 5 seconds
7. Save the Montage
8. Close and re-open the editor
9. Open the montage

Result: Idle Anim Segment has reverted to default End Time
Expected: Idle Anim Segment keeps the 5 second End Time

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Won't Fix
ComponentOLD - Anim
Affects Versions4.
Target Fix4.13
CreatedJan 4, 2016
ResolvedJul 13, 2016
UpdatedMay 18, 2020
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