Please see the Additional Link for related UDN information.
The UV popping described can be subtle, depending on settings; it's affected by spawn rate and GPU vs CPU. The popping shown in the gif turned a user away from this approach.
Spawn Rate: 30
Lifetime: Direct Set, 1
Gravity: 0 0 -980 (default)
Drag: 0.25
Ribbon Renderer –
UV0 Mode: Tiled (By Segment Length)
UV0 Leading Edge: Smooth
UV0 Tiling Length: adjust depending on the lifetime and size of the ribbon
UV1 Mode: whatever looks best with the material you're using
UV1 Leading Edge: Locked
UV1 Trailing Edge: Locked
There's no existing public thread on this issue, so head over to Questions & Answers just mention UE-254671 in the post.