- Create a blank project (if not using attached)
- Enable the following plugins (Functional Testing Editor, Editor Tests)
- Create a "Blueprintable" ActorComponent class (TestComponent)
- Create a "Blueprintable" Actor class (TestActor)
- Make it so that the Actor class creates a TestComponent instance in the CDO
Create a blueprint inheriting from TestComponent (MyComponent)
- Make MyComponent depend on the StandardMacros library (I used a foreach node)
- Create a blueprint inheriting from TestActor (MyActor)
- Make MyActor depend on the StandardMacros library (I used a foreach node)
- Change the class of the TestComponent component in MyActor to be a MyComponent instead
- Re-run the editor with the "-run=CompileAllBlueprints"
Current behavior: ensure tripped in UClass::CreateDefaultObject.
Expected behavior: no ensures tripped