
When inspecting a TMap variable during runtime, the value of the variable is not displayed properly inside VS2015. Screenshots included to show what the TMap variable looks like in VS2013 (ProperTMapInspection) vs VS2015 (ImproperTMapInspection).

User Suggested Fix:
kamrann mentioned this being related to switching from VS2013 to VS2015 and that adding double quotes around Invalid where it shows in the UE4.natvis file (lines 228 & 229, 301 & 302, 316 & 317) will fix the variables displaying properly.

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Open UE4Editor
  2. Add class based on Actor (MyActor)
  3. In MyActor.cpp, add the following to the BeginPlay function:
     TMap< int32, int32 > Test;
     Test.Add(1, 10);
     Test.Add(2, 20);
  4. Add a breakpoint on the Super::BeginPlay() line
  5. Press F5 to launch in debug mode
  6. Add instance of MyActor to the level and PIE
  7. When the breakpoint is triggered inspect the "Test" variable
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ComponentUE - Foundation - Core
Affects Versions4.10.2
Target Fix4.12
Fix Commit2870325
Main Commit2875730
Release Commit2870325
CreatedFeb 16, 2016
ResolvedFeb 17, 2016
UpdatedFeb 5, 2017
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