
This only occurs in standalone or a packaged game

Having a Play Media Player node in a blueprint causes all of that blueprint's functions to become uncallable.

Found in 4.11 Preview 5. Reproduced in Main CL 2870013

Regression: This issue does not seem to occur in 4.10.3 binary.

Steps to Reproduce

1. Open the editor
2. Create a new blueprint (Actor)
3. Create a function in that blueprint
4. Have the function simply print a string
5. Go to the Event Graph
6. Add a F key press node
7. Drag off of the Pressed pin and call your function
8. Add a Play Media Player node
9. Compile
10. Add an instance of the bp to the level
11. Play in standalone

Result: The Print String function is not called while the Play Media Player node is in the blueprint. If you remove this node, it will be called when F is pressed as expected.

Expected: The function would be called successfully

Update for Test Project
1. Open the attached project
2. Play in Standalone
3. Press F (Notice that no string is printed)
4. Open the TestBP
5. Remove the Play Media Player node
6. Compile and Save
7. Play in Standalone

Result: The function is called and the string is printed successfully when the Play Media Player node is not present in the blueprint.

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ComponentUE - Gameplay - Blueprint
Affects Versions4.114.12
Target Fix4.12
Fix Commit2910382
Main Commit2905127
CreatedFeb 23, 2016
ResolvedMar 21, 2016
UpdatedApr 27, 2018