
Decals are not spawning correctly when spawning based on a rotation value from the hit normal.

There is a difference in how this is handled from 4.10.4 to 4.11 and even 4.12. See attached image for comparison.

Attached Sample Project was created in 4.10.4 for comparison. Open with later engine version to see the difference.
Sample Project: [Link Removed]

Tested in:
4.10.4 CL-2872498
4.11.0 CL-2927265
4.12 Dev-Platform CL-2931152

Steps to Reproduce

With Sample Project:
1. Open Attached link to project
2. PIE
3. Press E to fire decal against surface

Without Project:
1. Open UE4 First Person template
2. Open the FIrstPerson BP
3. Recreate the Decal Spawn BP Graph from image attached
4. PIE
5. Press E to fire decal against surface

Regression: Yes

Results: Decal is not rotating correctly based on the normal hit

Expected: Decal should rotate based on the hit of the normal

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ComponentUE - Graphics Features
Affects Versions4.114.12
Target Fix4.12
CreatedApr 5, 2016
ResolvedApr 12, 2016
UpdatedMay 2, 2018
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