Developer Notes

After discussion this is what we'd expect to happen now.

We added re-initialization for machines that became unweighted and then became weighted again as the state would be stale when we came back to it (we have no idea how long it's been or what has happened in the anim graph when we find out the node is weighted again).


State Machines are re-initialized from entry after playing a Montage

This is a Regression: Does not occur in 4.11

Steps to Reproduce

1. Open the attached example project in 4.12 (it's a 4.11 project)
2. Open the AnimBP to view the set up (particularly the state machine and animgraph)
3. PIE
4. Hit the F key to play the montage

Result: After montage finishes, State Machine is re-initialized from entry, causing the JumpEnd_1 state to fire instead of Idle
Expected: After montage finishes, State Machine picks back up in whatever state it was in when the montage was triggered

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By Design
ComponentOLD - Anim
Affects Versions4.12
Target Fix4.13
CreatedJun 3, 2016
ResolvedJun 29, 2016
UpdatedMay 18, 2020