
The value of Max Angular Velocity on a component is being reset after changing the value and compiling the blueprint.

Found in 4.12 binary, reproduced in Main CL 2994701.

Could not reproduce in 4.11.2 binary. This is a regression.

Steps to Reproduce

1. Open the editor
2. Create a new actor blueprint
3. Add a cube component
4. In the details panel, search for Max Angular Velocity
5. Set the value to something other than 3600
6. Compile the blueprint

Result: The value is reset to 3600, regardless of what value you enter.

Expected: The entered value would be saved after compiling

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ComponentUE - Gameplay
Affects Versions4.124.13
Target Fix4.12.3
Fix Commit3009477
CreatedJun 6, 2016
ResolvedJun 10, 2016
UpdatedApr 27, 2018