The setup is wrong, resulting in pushing multiple MoveTo tasks not giving them a chance to finish. If a user wants to issue a MoveTo task while the old one is still active it's the user's responsibility to abort the previous one, or it will get paused and resumed after the new request finishes.
Characters using Move to Location or Actor will briefly pause with each few steps during their movement.
This did not occur in 4.11.2 binary, this is a regression.
Found in 4.12.1 binary. Reproduced in Main CL 3005971.
1. Open the editor (ThirdPersonTemplate Project)
2. Duplicate the Third Person Character BP
3. Add a Pawn Sensing component
4. Recreate the blueprint in the attached screenshot (ensure that use pathfinding is disabled on the Move to Location or Actor node)
5. Compile & Save
6. PIE
Result: Notice that the "AI" character briefly pauses every few steps.
Expected: The movement would be smooth, as it was in 4.11.
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