
Auto-Key All and Auto-Key Animated don't work as expected. Might consider having a third option that Auto-Keys only the modified property.

Steps to Reproduce

1. Add a sequence to your level and a Sphere mesh
2. Create a track for the sphere mesh
3. In the Auto-key menu, select "Auto-Key All"
4. Move the Sphere in the Z axis

Result: Only Z axis is keyed
Expected: All properties are keyed

5. Move the sphere in the Y axis (Y axis will be keyed)
6. Move to a different spot in the timeline
7. Switch to Auto-Key Animated
8. Move the sphere in the Z axis

Result: Only Z axis is keyed
Expected: Both Z and Y axis are keyed because they are both tracks with existing keys

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ComponentUE - Anim - Sequencer
Affects Versions4.124.13
Target Fix4.13
Fix Commit3051834
Main Commit3057666
CreatedJul 12, 2016
ResolvedJul 15, 2016
UpdatedApr 27, 2018