Developer Notes

Won't Fix because HUD is not currently supported. Use widgets, layers, or geometry instead


Event Receive Draw HUD renders in the wrong location when using GearVR.

In the PIE the location is correct, but not when rendered on the device. See images for better context.

This is a regression. This worked in 4.11 but is broken in 4.12 and later.

Steps to Reproduce

1. Create a First Person template project
2. Create a new HUD Blueprint
3. Set the Event Graph to draw the Event Receive Draw HUD (use setup image below)
4. Assign the FirstPersonCrosshair texture
5. Set the HUD in the main toolbar > blueprints > Gamemode > HUD > and select your HUD BP.
6. PIE to see the results.
7. Launch the project on GearVR

Regression: Yes

Results: The drawn HUD is misaligned to the upper right.

Expected: The drawn HUD should be centered on the screen.

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Won't Fix
ComponentUE - Platform - XR
Affects Versions4.124.134.14
CreatedAug 3, 2016
ResolvedAug 11, 2016
UpdatedSep 16, 2019
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